Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48

If you have read any of my articles you know that I like to make dinner for my family of 3 as close to $5 as possible. This meal Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48 was a little more. You’re never going to make it exact every time. I shoot for $5, sometimes it’s going to be more and that’s ok. If you have more people in the family your goal could be $8 or $10.

Start with the most expensive part of the meal first, the protein or meat. I try to find the best deals on meat as possible even if I have to cut it up myself. Heres’s how I Cut a Whole Pork Loin into 5 Meals for my Family.

We don’t always have meat, we have tofu and legumes. My Red Beans and Rice is another $5 meal for us. If I can keep the protein part of the meal as inexpensive as possible. Then I can add on fresh vegetables and maybe a starch without going over $5. Not trying to be a snob but I almost always buy fresh vegetables, I rarely use canned or frozen. The taste just doesn’t compare and we’ve raised our daughter eating steamed broccoli and squash and other fresh vegetables. There is a whole category on our blog of $5 Meal Ideas that you can look at. Maybe get some ideas and make adjustments to fit your family size.

This is one of my super easy meals that I can throw together at the last minute when I haven’t planned ahead for dinner: Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48.

Here’s how I break it down:

1 lb Frozen Chicken Breast $1.99 (This is the cheapest price that I can find for fresh or frozen)

1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup $ .75 (I stocked up a couple of months ago when Fred Meyer had a big sale on Campbell’s soups.)

1 can sliced mushrooms $ .50, I would prefer fresh but I didn’t have them

1 cup of milk for the sauce $ .25

Rice $ .50, I buy the big bulk bags at Costco

1 lb fresh broccoli $1.49 (I always buy fresh vegetables, I rarely used canned or frozen)

$5.48 for everything plus lots of leftovers for my husband’s lunch the next day.

How to make it:

Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, brown them in a pan with a little oil. When the chicken is cooked add a can of Cream of Mushroom soup, 1 cup milk, and fresh mushrooms if you have them. If you don’t have fresh use canned.

Mix everything together well and simmer on medium until it bubbles. I serve over rice but you could use noodles. I steam the broccoli, just plain no flavoring. We’ve gotten used to eating it that way but you do what works for you.

Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48

Here’s more articles full of money saving ideas and frugal tips:

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