If you have read any of my articles you know that I like to make dinner for my family of 3 as close to $5 as possible. This meal Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48 was a little more. You’re never going to make it exact every time. I shoot for $5, sometimes it’s going to be more and that’s ok. If you have more people in the family your goal could be $8 or $10.
Start with the most expensive part of the meal first, the protein or meat. I try to find the best deals on meat as possible even if I have to cut it up myself. Heres’s how I Cut a Whole Pork Loin into 5 Meals for my Family.
We don’t always have meat, we have tofu and legumes. My Red Beans and Rice is another $5 meal for us. If I can keep the protein part of the meal as inexpensive as possible. Then I can add on fresh vegetables and maybe a starch without going over $5. Not trying to be a snob but I almost always buy fresh vegetables, I rarely use canned or frozen. The taste just doesn’t compare and we’ve raised our daughter eating steamed broccoli and squash and other fresh vegetables. There is a whole category on our blog of $5 Meal Ideas that you can look at. Maybe get some ideas and make adjustments to fit your family size.

This is one of my super easy meals that I can throw together at the last minute when I haven’t planned ahead for dinner: Cream of Mushroom with Rice and Broccoli for $5.48.
Here’s how I break it down:
1 lb Frozen Chicken Breast $1.99 (This is the cheapest price that I can find for fresh or frozen)
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup $ .75 (I stocked up a couple of months ago when Fred Meyer had a big sale on Campbell’s soups.)
1 can sliced mushrooms $ .50, I would prefer fresh but I didn’t have them
1 cup of milk for the sauce $ .25
Rice $ .50, I buy the big bulk bags at Costco
1 lb fresh broccoli $1.49 (I always buy fresh vegetables, I rarely used canned or frozen)
$5.48 for everything plus lots of leftovers for my husband’s lunch the next day.
How to make it:
Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces, brown them in a pan with a little oil. When the chicken is cooked add a can of Cream of Mushroom soup, 1 cup milk, and fresh mushrooms if you have them. If you don’t have fresh use canned.
Mix everything together well and simmer on medium until it bubbles. I serve over rice but you could use noodles. I steam the broccoli, just plain no flavoring. We’ve gotten used to eating it that way but you do what works for you.

Here’s more articles full of money saving ideas and frugal tips:
- Smart Shopping: 10 Proven Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bill
- 2024 National Parks Free Entrance Dates
- 2023 National Parks Free Entrance Dates
- Creamy Dill Cucumber Salad
- Yummy No-Bake Protein Bites